Second Life featured in the Economist
Including a rather interesting quote from Mitch Kapor: It promises to be “disruptive”, says Mitch Kapor, the inventor of the Lotus spreadsheet that played a big role in the personal-computer revolution of the 1980s and 1990s. He is now chairman of…
Targeted malicious code from!
I am not sure whether to be worried or flattered, but it appears that someone is going through the trouble of creating targeted malicious code attacks by spoofing an email from me. They've even gone so far as to use the correct signature, return…
More school shootings to come....
As a parent, I take increasing interest in the analysis of experts like this. Therefore, I want to share what I am seeing, what I project as forthcoming in the next month, October 2006. I've been saying most of this on radio interviews and in…
Warren Ellis plays Second Life
Great entry on Warren Ellis's blog. I've often thought of PKD playing SL as well.
Second Life musings...
I'm long overdue in posting about SecondLife. Perhaps, it is because I've been too busy exploring it and writing about the implications of persistent virtual worlds in a paper I've been working on. From my perspective as a persistent, if not…
Irhabi007's silence on the net explained
Several months ago, stories on the AQ 007 where everywhere. Now we have an update from the Washington Post.
GroupIntel Blog rolling
Doogie Howser jokes, Bruce Schneier takedowns...all in the context of national security and intelligence issues. The GroupIntel Blog is rolling. If you haven't checked it out recently, it is worth a look.