There can be only one Jodie
At least from a Google page ranking perspective. When it comes to being number one on Google, this is the only Jodie I can endorse.
All About the Dads Tonight
I've got the Grammy awards playing in the background and it is a surprisingly emotional evening with a theme about fathers. Having spent the weekend alone with my daugther, it is striking a chord with me. I found Warren Zevon's son the most…
What's wrong with the NHL?
Martin St. Louis was elected as a first team all-star, so you've got my atttention. I've tuned into the all-star game with my Powerbook on my lap hoping to catch some great moves and get some work done at the same time. However, and it is a big…
Latest News
At New York's Kennedy airport today, an individual, later discovered to be a public school teacher, was arrested trying to board a flight while in possession of a ruler, a protractor, a setsquare, a slide rule, and a calculator. At a morning press…
Looking a little too far...
We survived Isabel. I think I have systems up and running to pre-storm levels, so let me know if you get a bounced email or if one of the websites is down.
Bracing for Bella!
Here in Northern Virginia we are getting ready for heavy winds and rain tomorrow afternoon and evening. Most offices and schools are shut down, and I sure the video stores are running low on movies. In the event of a power outage, the typepad…
Baghdad Burning - A Blog
I saw this link on the Doc Searls site. The Baghdad Burning Blog is an interesting read.