Top 10 Security, Technology and Business Books of 2024
Welcome to 8th edition of my annual top 10 books list! Each year, I read close to 100 books and distill down my 10 favorite security, technology and business books into this top 10 list and also include my favorite fiction books of year and a…
Top 10 Security, Technology, and Business Books of 2023
The year 2023 felt incredibly disruptive and my annual reading list probably reflects that fact as I sought out books that focused not only on managing risk and chaos, but recognizing and fostering disruptive technology opportunties. Five years ago,…
My Top 10 Security, Technology and Business books of 2022
Head on over to for my top 10 books of 2022.
A Letter on the Morality of Using Information Warfare Weapons in 1993
I'm not sure who I wrote this letter to in 1993/94, but I'm guessing maybe my mentor Daniel T Kuehl given the discussion about warfare. I found it while digging up an old report for Bob Gourley. I'm clearly trying to make sense of the strategic and…
What Dan taught me
Over 20 years ago, I was an unknown graduate student at the University of Vermont with an unpopular research idea. I was convinced that our increasing dependence on inherently vulnerable critical infrastructure presented an emerging national…
It always amazes me...
to discover which posts are the most popular on this site. The 24 Ringtone is the top post by far along with the 23 Devices my iPhone has replaced, followed by complaints about SpamHaus and DirecTV. My prediction essays get a fair bit of traffic,…
Please support Pedaling for Patriots!
Over the past few months, it has been an honor to work with Rob and Kim Richer on their dream to ride their bikes (pedaling kind) from coast to coast to raise awareness and money for the CIA Officers Memorial Fund. They started their ride today and…
Social media science fiction book recommendations
Saw this interesting list and decided to come up with four additional books to add to it. The first four SF books you should read if you’re working in social media My additions: Eastern Standard Tribe - Cory Doctorow Great story with a backdrop of…
Free Scott Albert Johnson song - Magnolia Road live
My favorite independent musician and friend Scott Albert Johnson has given me permission to release this live track on my blog for free. The track is for sale at Scott's site along with his debut album which is highly recommended. Scott is a very…
What's cooking?
One of my favorite recipes. I'm sick of searching for it, so I'm blogging it in hopes that others can enjoy. The Wegmans branded products can easily be replaced with more generic items. Enjoy! Steamed Meatballs with Asian Green Beans Serves: 4 1…