Taking Cyberterrorism Seriously

Neal Pollard and I have published an analysis of the implications of cyberterrorism that focuses on the information discussed in today's issue of the Washington Post.

Cyber-Attacks by Al Qaeda Feared

This article which appears in the June 27 edition of the Washington Post, if proven true, substantially changes the near-term cyberterrorism threat landscape. The TRC will likely issue a media release regarding this story, which I will post here. Washington Post Article

When Terror Hides Online

This article from Time magazine is a perfect example of a journalist twisting interview comments to convey the journalist's message rather than the opinions of the interviewee.

InfoWarCon 2002

Looking forward to InfoWarCon this year. I've arranged a series of speakers that include John Sullivan, Jason Healey, Neal Pollard and Walter Purdy. The Terrorism Research Center is a sponsor of the conference and several of us will be there throughout the conference portion (not the workshops).

A Most Deadly Game

TechTV's Cybercrime show interviewed me regarding Jim Bell's "Assassanitation Politics" essay. This was a tough interview as elements of the Bell case walk a fine line between civil liberties and civil security.

Chaos: The Coming Technology War

An interesting article from Newfactor that discusses our original DIRT concept from 1996.

Server Move Complete

The devost.net domain has been officially moved to the new server and new site format. Unfortunately, my previous hosting provider had serious billing issues and I won't be using them any more.

National Security in the Information Age

This is the original copy of my 1995 thesis on information warfare. While I had written earlier essays on the topic, the thesis really represented my thinking and research during the 1993-1995 timeframe.

Kartoo Search Engine

I stole this from Eric's site. It is an interesting implementation of a search engine with graphical results displayed in a spider's web format with the most significant hit showing up at the largest node. I especially like results that are returned for the keyword "terrorism". Visit Kartoo

Sector5 Global Summit

I will serve as one of five masterminds during this global summit exploring cyberterrorism and critical infrastructure protection on August 21-23, 2002Conference Info

Council of Security and Strategic Technology Organizations

I will be speaking at this conference regarding cyberterrorism and IT security threats on October 14-17, 2002. Conference Info

Census Annual Security Day

I will provide a plenary on cyberterrorism at the Census Bureau annual security day conference on June 18, 2002. Conference Info

Interview on Science Friday

I was on Science Friday on December 7, 2001 talking about cybersecurity issues. The entire staff for this show, from producer to host, were great to deal with. The interview session was also a lot of fun. Callers asked Kevin and I some really good questions. NPR has some bogus rule about linking to their site, but if you want to listen to the show in RealAudio click here.

Hackers Vandalize 26 Government Sites

An interesting article from when this type of defacement activity made the news almost every week. They became so commonplace, even attrition.org couldn't stand to keep up with the activity.

Weapons of Choice: How Terrorists Use the Web

Weapon of choice is a bit misleading. The ultimate weapon of choice for terrorists is a far cry from a computer keyboard, but this story ties into a lot of the public speaking I do on this topic.

A Brave New World Order: Tomorrow’s Cybergeek Spies

I am not sure whether being called a cybergeek spy is a good or a bad thing. I am also not sure what this appeared in or when, but I found it on the net in electronic form.