Terrorism: Threats, Tactics, Training and Technology

The latest TRC Training session will take place in Washington, DC. on January 8-10, 2003.

"This class led by nationally recognized terrorism experts including Brian Michael Jenkins, Walter Purdy, Matthew Devost, Tom Walsh, Neal Pollard, Bryan Vossekuil, Dr. Robert Fein, John Sullivan, Andrew Garfield, and special guests, will have numerous opportunities for Q&A. Participants will learn first hand about the current threats from both domestic and international terrorists. Participants will examine threats and the weapons terrorist could use against targets and measures to deter, defeat and mitigate these attacks. Participants will hear about how terrorist train and the “operational acts” they need to conduct to successfully conduct their attacks. Participants will examine the issue of “suicide bombers” and security for special events. Participants will hear from a special security representative regarding aviation security issues for law enforcement officers. Visit www.terrorism.com for details.

Georgetown COSC511

I've recently received an appointment as Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University to teach COSC511 "Information Warfare and Security". This class was previously taught by Dorothy Denning and I am honored to take it over. If you are a student looking for the COSC511 page, you can find it by following this link.

Clarke, a counterterrorism official in the Clinton administration, acknowledged that terrorist organizations such as al Qaeda haven’t turned the Internet into a weapon. But he cautioned against complacency. For years, he said, counterterrorism experts never thought terrorists would launch strikes such as the Sept. 11 attacks within the United States, because they wanted to use the country to make plans and raise funds without drawing the attention of law enforcement and intelligence officials. Full Story

The Technology Secrets of Cocaine Inc.

This story from Business 2.0 is interesting. When thinking innovation and technology, the drug cartels probably rank just behind Amazon.com.

Colombian cartels have spent billions of dollars to build one of the world's most sophisticated IT infrastructures. It's helping them smuggle more dope than ever before. Full Story

Australia Sunday Sunrise Interview

Presenter Chris Bath and Chief Political Correspondent Glenn Milne spoke with the President of the Terrorism Research Centre, Matthew Devost, about the terrorist risk to Australia and what measures can be taken to prevent an attack.
Read more

Current and Emerging Threats to Information Technology Systems and Critical Infrastructure

This essay, written for the Global Business Briefing, provides and overview of cyberthreats to critical infrastructures.

White-Hat Hate

When hackers broke into Ryan Russell's server and plastered his private e-mails and other personal files on the Internet last week, Russell tried to shrug it off as a harmless prank.

But Russell, editor of Hack Proofing Your Network and an analyst with SecurityFocus.com, also seemed shaken by the incident.

"There's a group out there whose goal in life is to show they're smarter than you and they have the tools to do it," said Russell, a "white-hat" hacker who goes by the nickname "BlueBoar."
The break-in at Russell's Thieveco.com site, which is hosted by a Canadian ISP, appears to be the latest in a series of attacks against white hats and prominent figures in the information security profession.

Claiming responsibility for the attacks is a shadowy group named el8. Earlier this year, members launched Project Mayhem, a campaign designed to "cause worldwide physical destruction to the security industry infrastructure," according to an article published last month in el8's online magazine.

Wired News: White-Hat Hate Crimes on the Rise

Full UFO Disclosure

An interesting twist to an old debate..."Now a former White House chief of staff and an international investigative journalist want to know what the Pentagon knows, calling on it to release classified files about that and other incidents involving unidentified flying objects, or UFOs. "

CNN.com - Clinton aide slams Pentagon's UFO secrecy - Oct. 22, 2002

With Ambassador Swindells

A picture with the U.S. Ambassador to NZ taken during my recent trip. I found both the Ambassador and his staff to be extremely professional to deal with.


Helicopter in New Zealand

This picture was taken while I was in New Zealand. After flying through a valley and along a river, the pilot set us down on top of the highest peak in the area.
